The top Three candidates to win a doll

Valentine by KarolinFelix

I liked this one when I looked at it, but became really intrigued by the idea of a transparent filigree torso, once I read the proposal. This hadn't occurred to me before. I like how the artist addressed the practical issue of the fragility of porcelain given such a narrow waist, but proposing that it's made entirely of metal. I want to make this doll!

by AmalI love this project not as three separate entries, but as a triptych. They are most effective not separately, but together. The most intriguing is the idea of capturing the idea of time travel and non-linear perspective within one doll. I think It's a very challenging concept to address, and a very ambitions one to propose. I would love to see more cards in this series!



by MauraI adore this entry for the beautiful rendering of Anne Boleyn and the rendering of the idea of her being the mother to Queen Elizabeth the Great through a gorgeous tattoo. I particularly like the creative solution to the clothing vs tattoo conflict:

  one usually has to exist at the expense of the other, but in this piece both function together as a whole. The top ten candidates all displayed a completeness that I look for in the entries: An interesting, coherent idea, effectively articulated and combined with a beautiful presentation, originality and emotion. It was very hard to choose, and I wish I could  make twenty winners instead of just one, because there are many good proposals.

These are the top three that really speak to me, but who will be the winner?

I'll decide by midnight. That's all I've been doing all day. :)