The Birth of Ruby- Greenware Cleaning


Soft-fired doll parts have been laid out in front of me for quite some time now and my desk is all set up for cleaning.

Water bucket - check, sanding sponges - check, an assortment of various tools - also check. Still, I sit there, eyeing the parts through squinted eyes like they are my mortal enemies, challenging them to either get the hell out of my sight or clean themselves for once. I catch myself sighing with resignation for the fourth time as I anticipate the mind-numbing repetitiveness and inevitable length of the upcoming cleaning session, pick up a tiny hand and place it in the hot water. I procrastinate some more by watching a stream of air-bubbles emerge from it as sinks and think of how I always start with a hand for some reason. What a creature of habit.

This is the one stage of the doll-making process I really don't ever look forward to. It's difficult, draining and worst of all, boring. This is the only stage I would eliminate if I could, and nothing else, but, it's also the main reason why Enchanted Dolls have such a glowing, silky complexion, so I have to work myself up to it almost every single time. As usual, every cell in my body whines at me about not wanting to do this, and there are times when my discipline disintegrates during a particularly nasty case of Aversiontoworkanitis.'

Perhaps I should check my email real quick before I start on these parts,' I think to myself: 'And then it's probably a good idea to get a snack. I do feel a little tired. I know it's only one past noon, but, maybe I'll just rest my eyes for just a few minutes to get refreshed, or even catch an episode of Dexter....yea, that's what I'll do and then, and then I'll totally start working right away.'

I steal a sly look at the doll parts on the desk, as if I had just outsmarted them, and make my way straight to the bedroom, deciding to skip the email and the snack after all, knowing deep down that I ain't working today no more

.Tomorrow I will, no doubt regret this self-indulgence and will have to play catch up, but tomorrow is tomorrow. Today I need a nap.