Preview snap shots of ebay auction doll

Well, first of all-at this point I've been up for 28 consecutive hours and working like a dog for 25 of those hours, to bring you these quick preview shots of this doll today. I believe the last time I had stayed up this long was during the final week of my senior year at art school; feverishly finishing essays, presentations and studio projects all due at the same time. My body is surprisingly energetic and refreshed, but my mind is beginning to descend into an exhaustion-induced stupor and numbness. Also, I think I might be hallucinating...... Sorry if my writing is a bit jumbled. I'm not even done yet. I have to get ready for a full photo session of this doll tomorrow morning.Ok, here we go. The pictures. Meet Lily-the Little Aristocrat.white-wigAs I've said before, this doll will be auctioned off with 3 wigs. Two are shown here. This is Rococo wig; made with fine, long mohair and styled into shape with synthetic primer strand by strand over the course of many hours. It's also powdered with perfumed powder for a more authentic, period look. This wig is light and very strong, reinforced with several coats of primer. You can juggle with it, and not a single lock will bend out of shape. Ideal for hard play.white-wig-1This second wig is the exact opposite of the first one: it's incredibly long, loose, organic and soft like silk. It is also made of very fine, high grade mohair. There is no rigidity and structure in it, only streaming white strands, which can be styled, brushed and braided into almost any hair style.Third wig is on its' way. Pictures will be ready tomorrow. I'll also show a series of pcitures, documenting the making of Rococo Wig. The auction will begin on December 27th.Time for a nap.