Not your average micro tattoo - Marquise de Pompadour doll


Getting a magnifier a year ago gave the ability to engrave the finest micro tattoos I never imagined possible. It instantly upped my skills and unlocked a new difficulty level in this doll-making game. I'm playing on hard mode now. And loving the results.

Having been blessed with a good eyesight (thanks dad!), I'd always scoffed at the idea of working under magnification, even though I suspected it would have been helpful for the small scale of my dolls. But working with bare eyes was a source of pride for me and I stubbornly refused to accept any artificial optic assistance before it was absolutely medically necessary for me to wear glasses. I was such a fool. I had no idea what I was missing.

This doll, Marquise de Pompadour, is my first doll tattooed entirely under a magnifier. Because of that, she features the most advanced tattoo engravings ever seen on Enchanted Dolls that took almost a year to engrave. If I wasn't feeling slightly unhinged from all that tattooing (at the moment), I'd be giddy with joy at the sight of this little French beauty. She is going to be auctioned off on May 13th. I'll show and tell you more about her in the days to come.

As for me, I'm never going back to pre-magnifier tattooing. Not because I can't, but because I don't want to. Those years are behind me.