Madame de Pompadour Face Painting


I wanted to begin this post by thanking you guys for all your emotional support and good vibes in my post-surgery recovery. Your concern is like a pain-killer for my busted knee. Thank you for being there for me. I feel so lucky to have your love.

Please enjoy these process photos of Madame de Pompadour face painting from a few weeks ago. This doll has been a very challenging, year-long journey of nerves, tears, anger and exasperation, but I'm grateful for the learning opportunities she gave me and for the lessons she taught me. I am a better doll-artist now than when I began this project, but I am immensely relieved to be finished. I was in serious danger of beginning to hate her for all those endless lessons and learning opportunities if they went on for even a few more days.


Now I just have to get through her photoshoot while being temporarily disabled by my knee injury/surgery. Hopefully that will be the last lesson she teaches me. I don't think I can stand any more just yet. I'm literally on my last leg! Haha.