The last of my resin EDs. I probably won't be making these again.
At first, I couldn't decide if they had just finished a dance, or were waiting to begin one, but then I realized that I was seeing both the End and the Beginning, at the same time: To me, their maker, this beautiful dance was finished - the end of the last act, of the last show, a second before the curtain drops. But for their future owners, this performance was just beginning, and the dancers are poised right on the edge of movement, waiting to spring into dance and expression.
I took the opportunity to pose them all together for a group shot, before packing them away in boxes. I was enjoying moving and playing with them, articulating them into different positions on my dinner table when they fell into this composition and it reminded me of dancers frozen in some sort of an enchanted-burlesque-ballet-circus performance.
They are almost all gone, but I still have a few of these dancers left. Let me know if you wish to have one.