Dragonspace show selling out fast

img_62011I made these three new nudes specifically for the Dragonspace show. As of today, I think the redhead might still be available. She is $3,950.00 CND.I finished these dolls at 9:30 in the morning and at 10:30am 2 of them were already sold. I owned them for exactly 1 hour before they went away to live their own lives. My pretty Scheherezade for was sold too for $21,000.00 CNDimg_61752These nude girls feature a new, experimental magnetic wig system. A small magnet is discreetly embedded into or onto  their heads and a corresponding one into the wig cap. You can pull the wig off with a bit of effort, but it snaps back in place when the wig is on. I love it- no more slipping and sliding of the wig. The magnet can support quite a bit of weight and will stay in place until you pull it off. Problem solved. From now on, every doll will come with a magnetic wig.I also brought one of he first Resin prototypes to Dragonspace to show. It's Clymenestra, sleeping in a giant shell like a little mermaid. If you want to touch her and see and feel how well she is made, just ask the staff and they will take her out of the cabinet for you to look at. But she is not for sale yet.img_62371Chad and I slept for almost 18 hours after we pulled a 27 hour long work day to prepare and setup the show at Dragonspace. We stuck around in the morning for almost three hours, chatting with clients who showed up to see the show and meet the new dolls. It was a lot of fun, but I was so exhausted, hungry and dehydrated, that I feared fainting right in the middle of the conversation.  But I felt such a tremendous relief of deadline completion, that I fell asleep the minute I got in the car. It was only a 5 minute ride home, but it felt like I slept for week. We were so tired, that after we parked outside of our building, we napped in the car for nearly 20 minutes, unable to get out and walk to our front door. It was nice- I felt the sun and the warm, ocean breeze on my face.Today I've got a backlog of administrative work to sort out and some magazine interviews to deal with.There are still two dolls remain available at Dragonspace: The nude and tattooed Vessel, but I dont' know for how much longer. Their phone number is +604 689 8931 Call to inquire.I want to thank all those who came yesterday, both local and those who came from afar  to see  the show. It was a pleasure to meet you.MarinaATTENTION CLIENTS INTERESTED IN THE READHEAD- Sorry, but she was just sold too. Only Vessel remains.