Christmas wishes from Enchanted Doll (and the plush gang)!

Dear Doll Collectors and Makers everywhere, from the bottom of my heart I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays full of cheer! But most importantly I'd like to wish you a wonderful and a truly prolific New Year 2013!My little stuffed animals send their greetings too!

Artist toys from the left: Fuzzy bear by Sandra Kranenburg, white bunny by Lada Gromova, pink bunny by Irina Starkova, blue elephant Monty by Diana Unusova, white Cooky bear (originally also Monty, but I already had one, so...besides, he is sooo Cooky, just look at his face) by Natalja Fjodorova, Shy bear by Diana Unusova and a nameless rescue puppy in the foreground.Merry Christmas to All!