Book Goes to Print!


Hey folks!

Great News! After much refining work, my book is going to print tomorrow. I'm so excited and relieved. When I got the first proof in December, it already seemed complete to my eyes but my wonderful editor has been kind enough to find and eliminate a whole bunch of errors in the text. Together, we polished it and refined it and cleaned it and improved it until I almost went crazy, but the manuscript is now truly perfect. Despite hating her a little bit at times during the process, I am truly grateful to have had her on board for this project. Thank you, Lindsay.

The printing and binding will take three weeks, and at the end of February we expect to begin shipping out the books to you guys! The edition is almost completely sold out, but there are still a few books left for those yet to order one. UPDATE: The first edition of the Enchanted Doll book has sold out!