The Wife (2011)


The Wife

2011 - Unavailable

I made the Wife doll because there are already plenty of romantic bride dolls out there, perpetuating unrealistic expectations of marriage. I was interested in exploring a less romantic aspect of womanhood, particularly domestic violence at the hands of abusive partners. While growing up I, like all the other girls, had a very idealized view of marriage. I thought that being married meant living happily ever after. I could not even fathom that husbands sometimes beat their wives. When I did gradually come to realize this transpired, the traditional notion of a wedding seemed like a sham designed to entice females into an institution that exploits them.


Bridal lace, cast Sterling Silver tiara; 24k gold overlay, balljointed, porcelain, china paint, magnetic mohair wig, industrial springs, leather. 13.5” (34.5cm) tall. Although the role and nature of marriage in Western society has adjusted to our evolving gender roles and an increasing equality between marriage partners, domestic abuse still persists. This doll addresses disturbing and dark issues, however I made her in an attempt to highlight how ugly and damaging the practice of domestic violence is.
