Enchanted Doll - Marina Bychkova

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Sketch of the week: 12-Banshee

banshee2This is the only sketch I have for Banshee. It's very old; a lot older than the doll itself. I didn't know it was going to become Banshee when I drew it, I just really wanted to make a peasant-like, summer dress. I noticed I'm really drawn to the look of folk embroidery on white, however, i don't really like doing needle and thread embroidery myself. I learned some basic stitches as a part of home making course in grade six, but I never really took to it. I think it's because the actual application of those skills was really boring, such as embroidering puppies and flowers on place mats and handkerchiefs. You know, the kind of stuff you would buy at a yard sale after it's been sitting in  someone's  basement for 20 years. Although I was pretty good with the technique, I don't think I ever completed a single pattern out of sheer boredom and after a third or a fourth failed attempt at embroidering a flower I was like: "Alright, I am so done with that." And then the next thing I ever embroidered was Alice in Wonderland doll's stockings 14 years later. And that's when I was wishing I had had a little bit more practice.I just remembered that I have never done a full shoot for Banshee. I should really do that soon. Probably when I get home from Europe.