Enchanted Doll - Marina Bychkova

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Progress on the resin line...

marina-resin1marina-resin3...Is not as quick as I'd like it to be since I'm concentrating most of my efforts now on creating new dolls for the solo show in Berlin, and managing the inflow of entries for the Enchanted Doll birthday contest. For reasons already covered we were forced to move the entry deadline from the 13th to the 16th, which is tomorrow, and on Friday the 19th I will announce the winner of the contest.I haven't had time to test out my new airbrush yet as I'm still learning about it, but I can't wait to put it to use and will show results when I have them. And did I ever mention that I'm having brand new boxes made for this line? I seem to remember mentioning something about their awesomeness... The first design went to the factory for proofing on correction last week and we hope the the full production will begin as soon as next week. I'm contemplating showing you the lid designs now, but my sixth sense is telling me to wait on that. You might have read in Doll Reader article that Nati is involved in this project.Anyway. The wheels are turning on the Resin doll line, and there ain't no stopping now. Things are looking very exciting at the Enchatned Doll studio! More information to be revealed soon.The wait list for resin doll is still open, so if you haven't signed up yet for the first release or Resin ED, please email me.