Enchanted Doll - Marina Bychkova

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Press: 10 page spread in EGO magazine

ego-spread-1096All month I've been doing interviews for different media outlets, but mostly glossy magazines about fashion and pop culture. My brain is a bit fried from all the writing and talking about my work because the interview questions get a little repetitive after a while. Some of them have come out already in winter issues, while others are coming out later in the spring. This trendy Ukrainian EGO magazine from Kiev, printed the longest spread on my work so far. It's 10.5 pages long. Woo-ho.Most of these upcoming magazines are European, but a couple of them from the States. My resin doll Clymenestra got a cover of April's issue of Doll Reader magazine with a spread about my upcoming resin line. I've requested a preview of the cover from the editor, but they are still thinking about it, I guess, since they apparently don't usually pre-release those to the public. I hope they will make an exception for me and I can post a preview here. I'm pretty excited about it as it will be my 7th cover of a printed publication. One day I'll frame them all and hang them up on the walls of my studio. I'll wait until I have an even number of covers. And enough wall space.The entire Enchanted Doll spread in EGO magazine can be found in my Published Work section and CV. I haven't put the text up yet. It's in Russian.ego1European magazines are so much more liberal than North American publications. I love it.