Enchanted Doll - Marina Bychkova

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cathedral2-1Inspired by bits and pieces of all kinds of things and experiences and without my full awareness, this project gestated in my thoughts for years, formulating and materializing into a coherent image, until one day the right piece of the puzzle fell just into the right place, crystallizing the idea into a strikingly clear form that quite literally, took my breath away. Startled and exhilarated by the suddenness of its coming, I studied the image burned into the backs of my eyelids with wonder, smiling at the beauty and completeness of it and thinking to my self that ah, yes, of course it had to look like this-it couldn't possibly have been anything else. It was always this,  even if I couldn't see it before: it was just a matter of circumstances and time until I did.cathedral4Although i think about art and my future projects nearly every waking minute, it's not often that my inspiration takes a form of an intense, almost religious experience like this one. This was unique. It felt like, driven to the point of exhaustion from endless brainstorming and research my mind just snapped and transcended the boundaries of consciousness, crossing over into a creative abyss where everything is possible.For a few seconds absolutely everything is clear, all the knowledge is laid bare, every vision is there and even the meaning of life is obvious, but then the mental curtain to the abyss closes again, pulling you back from the precipice of madness and leaving only a vague memory of the profoundness of the experience, allowing to carry away only one thing with you intact- that perfect vision of what you sought. Like a gift. Everything else is swiftly forgotten.cathedral1-1Cathedral was my gift. I hope it opens the flood gates for more beautiful pieces in this series.This piece was primarily inspired by my obsession with European Gothic architecture. But I'm sure there are a couple dozen other sources of inspiration mixed in here. I've yet to identify them all.