Enchanted Doll - Marina Bychkova

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Busy day at Enchanted Doll HQ

Busy day at Enchanted Doll HQ, originally uploaded by cisley.

Speaking of working spaces; this is a part of mine and you couldn't pay me enough money to take it apart and move it to a gallery for a temporary show set up.There is no way I'm moving all this back and forth just for 'fun'! The concept of the work space gallery show doesn't appeal to me at all because of the huge amount of work it entails. There are hundreds of little components and tools housed in the multitude of drawers on, above and below my desks, but it's the desks themselves that are more annoying to handle than all the other stuff combined. Oh IKEA- I love you and hate you simultaneously.As for Audrey Kawasaki- I think she is a brilliant artist. I've discovered her work quite recently in an art magazine and it instantly resonated with me. I feel that even though we work in different mediums, we never the less share the same subject matter and to some extent, stylistic approach.I look at her girls and see my dolls as if we share these same sensibilities and travel different, yet parallel paths with our work. I'm very drawn to and inspired by Audrey Kawasaki's paintings. I would love to own one of her prints, but they are as hard to obtain as Enchanted Dolls: they sell out very quickly and there is probably a wait list. I guess this gives me a taste of my own medicine.In the picture above, Chad and I are working on doll parts with some entertainment playing in the background. Our Macbooks quite literally go with us everywhere. I've been so busy lately that I had to train Chad to do some basic back end tasks in order to save me some valuable time for doing all the complex stuff. And he is very good at! Now I wonder why I didn't get him to help me all along because I'm getting my orders done more quickly this way. Chad, you're amazing.