Enchanted Doll - Marina Bychkova

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Another photo of little Lolita

img_2349Click the image for a larger view (the auto-resize is distorting it) More coming soon.To answer Noxy's question:Chad doesn't seem particularly concerned about his slightly disfigured right thumb, so much so that I'm beginning to think he likes it this way. I don't really mind it either. It's quite beautiful in a way.I don't mind it if it shows up in photographs with dolls either-it adds character and highlights contrast between eternally perfect porcelain and the vulnerable imperfection of human skin. Although we spent almost an hour setting up and shooting the hand pose, we settled on this particular composition not because of the thumb, but because this angle looked best.I love photographing dolls in Chad's hands, but to be quite honest he is not the most co-operative model at times. Because I'm so meticulous at arranging the shot to perfection, changing angles, adjusting light and taking a million test exposures, it usually takes a while and he starts complaining within 20 minutes about cramping up and discomfort from being unable to move a muscle. (Sorry honey, it's true)We also start fighting and arguing over creative differences during the shoot. Things can get intense. So, some of the best photographs of my dolls were actually taken under duress. I still enjoy working with Chadasaurus. ( my nickname for him, I call him that almost exclusively. He calls me Marinamal. Chadasaurus and Marinamal. I love it.) I enjoy working with him because despite the character differences and occasional work-related tension, most of the time when we work together we create something beautiful.