This doll is going in for a high temperature firing, which is when porcelain slip vitrifies into glass and shrinks 20%.
This is a wax sculpture of a new Doll shadow box I’m currently making. It’s based on a well-known fairy tale character. Can you guess which one based on the ornamentation? Here’s a hint - she is a villain.
Wet cleaning a soft-fired porcelain doll head. It's as fragile as an egg shell in this stage.
Cleaning porclain doll parts during a snowstorm
Pouring porcelain slip into plaster molds.
A short video of me signing and stamping the Enchanted Doll Publisher Edition book
Still making many tiny beaded water lotuses. The repetition of construction without seeing any evidence of the final composition is getting a bit tedious after a few weeks of making these.
This signed and numbered limited edition of 500 covers the first decade of work of Enchanted Doll, 190 pages, hard bound, high quality offset printing on heavy art paper.
Finishing this porcelain beautify ‘Serenity’ for an eBay auction later this fall!
Empress Theodora was a truly remarkable, accomplished, influential and impressive woman. She is a Byzantine-age feminist icon, a progressive reformer, and a real life Cinderella story!
I’ve been working on a Little Red photo series to illustrate and publish one of my favourite fairy tales!
Abandoning several months of work and starting over from scratch was a very hard decision to make, but it had to be done, sunk cost fallacy be damned!! I’ll talk more about why I made this decision in upcoming posts.
Stand by for more unveiling and enjoy!
“Reincarnation” crown on the White Peacock doll. I made and shot this piece a few months ago in grief and in celebration of the life, to get through a terrible and painful loss that I’ve been stuck in.
exturing a canvas print with layers of transparent gel, to make it look like an expressionist oil painting.
My last photo series of 2022, with my current work-in-progress doll, Theodora.
I’m applying hundreds of shiny scales to her royal robe, to resemble the golden Byzantine mosaics in churches
looking very Elvish on my work table. I think she is channeling the radiant Lady Arwen at the moment, bathed in the light of the Ilúvatar.
I painted a celestial veil of shimmering stars on her face and in her eyes, to symbolize a vast and timeless glittering multiverse of endless cosmic possibilities.
The Original head was painted after my Sapphire doll. After I dropped and fractured it, I took it as a sign
A mournful photo series titled “Losing Self”. For one to be born, the first one had to die. Destruction is a form of creation.
I use only natural fibres such as Mohair, Angora Goat and Silk for my dolls’ wigs; Never synthetics, as I just don’t like the synthetic aesthetic and I don’t think it suits fine porcelain very well.
The White Peacock is now SOLD. Her enormous white tattoo on a white porcelain body was quite a challenge to render, but I’m very proud of the result
First studio shots with more to come. A special custom commission for a special collector, this porcelain doll features the biggest ceramic engraving I’ve ever attempted!
Building up skin tone through multiple translucent layers of blushing. Three firings deep into the nine firings it took to complete.
A collector asked me to create a custom Cinderella doll inspired by my limited 2009 Cinderella edition. I was reluctant to plagiarize myself, but wanted to fulfill my collector’s dream